72 inch wide bathroom vanity cabinet

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For many, a DIY project of renovating the bathroom is a job worth doing on one’s own to save money. The problem is that every so often you’ll find that you need more money than originally anticipated to complete the project. As an example, let’s say you bought and set up a wide bathroom vanity cabinet complete with matching hardware and twin sinks. While the vanity may look magnificent in your bathroom, you’ll most likely soon realize that you are going to need a wider vanity mirror to match the length of the cabinet, which will of course, cost you more money than you budgeted for. It’s those kinds of things that you may end up spending extra money on.
72 inch wide bathroom vanity cabinet:
72 inch wide bathroom vanity cabinet
72 inch wide bathroom vanity cabinet pictured: Avanity MODERO-V72-ES Modero 72-Inch Vanity

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