Keeping your children physically active, entertained and stimulated sometimes requires you to use just as much imagination as your children. An indoor toddler jungle gym however, can relieve you of having to constantly come up with new things for the kids to do. Relatively easy to set up, an indoor jungle gym can be as simple as having a slide with a connected climbing apparatus, or it can be as elaborate as having a slide on each side with a castle like structure that the kids can climb in and out of. How large your jungle gym will be will depend on your budget and room space.
Toddler indoor jungle gym:
Toddler indoor jungle gym pictured: Active Play 3 in 1 Gym Set by Toy Monster
Tunnels for kids to crawl through
Young children love crawling around and getting into things, so it should come as no surprise that a play tunnel for kids to crawl through take can be an exciting toy that your little bundle of energy can enjoy for hours. The tunnels themselves are quite cute shaped like a wiggly worm or caterpillar. Recommended for children three years and up, younger boys and girls can have fun in them as well, but it’s best that there is always someone around to monitor the children’s play.
Tunnels for kids to crawl through:
Tunnel for kids to crawl through pictured: Playhut Wiggly Worm
Little girl vanity table
For your young princess, a little girl vanity table provides the basics of what she’ll need to get herself ready for a special event like a friend’s birthday party or play-date. While mommy is in the bathroom getting ready, your little girl can be brushing her hair and seeing that she looks good. Most vanity tables for kids will come with a hair brush, comb and hand mirror with plenty of space to add lip balm and other kid friendly cosmetics. And there’s no need to worry about the large mirror since it will most likely be reflective plastic so as to not harm your child in the case of an accident.
Little girl vanity table:
Little girl vanity table pictured: Step2 Fantasy Vanity
Activity tables for kids and toddlers
Keeping your young children busy and productive can be a difficult task, and one that could require constant supervision. However, with an activity table for kids and toddlers, all you need to do is to set one up in their room or in the family room, fill the storage bins below with a bunch of their toys, and let the kids do what they do best: play. An activity table can also be used as a large art table with the storage bins below filled with whatever creative tools they need to draw, paint, color and create.
Activity tables for kids and toddlers:
Activity tables for kids and toddlers pictured: Little Tikes EasyAdjust Play Table
Play yard gate
If you have a large enough play room or family room to set up a play yard gate, it’s a good way to provide a safe and secure closed off area for your little ones to play in. However, when your son or daughter become mobile enough to walk about the enclosure, they may be able to move the play yard across the floor.
Play yard gate:
Play yard gate pictured: North States Superyard Play Yard, color play, 6 panel