Dual laundry hamper

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As much of a chore as doing the laundry is, it would be a lot easier if you didn’t have to sort through your laundry to separate the whites from the colors. Fortunately, there is a way around this by using a dual laundry hamper. Simply mark off each compartment with one for colors and one for whites and your sorting will be done for you. Mind you, everyone in the family has to be mindful in placing the separate items in the specific bins, but as long as no one wants their whites to look like a 60’s tie-dye, then I think they will take extra precaution to do things right.
Dual laundry hamper:

Dual laundry hamper pictured: Household Essentials Double Hamper Laundry Sorter with Magnetic Lid Closure, Coffee Linen

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