Palm tree comforter

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When you have had enough of winter’s chill and you’re ready for a warm, island breeze to waft through your bedroom, a soft and comfortable palm tree comforter should help keep you warm at night until the spring weather settles in. The palm tree design of the comforter, bed skirt and decorative pillow cases can create a tropical style vibe that will no doubt brighten up your bedroom, if not your mood.
Palm tree comforter:

Palm tree comforter pictured: Palm Island Home Santo Domingo Queen Bed Set

Pictured above: 1-Sky Slate Paradise "Soft Seas" Tropical King Comforter Set with Two King Shams by Dean Miller Beach Bedding 2-Green & Purple Hawaiian Tropical Leaves Beach House King Comforter Set (7 Piece Bed In A Bag) + HOMEMADE WAX MELT by Island Living 3- Society6 Retro Palm Tree Comforters Full: 79" x 79" 4- Society6 Palms Trees. Comforters Full: 79" x 79" 5- Palm Grove 3 Piece Comforter Set Size: Queen by Karin Maki
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