Automatic tea maker machine

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While it seems like anybody can boil water, throw in a tea bag or two into a tea pot, let the it steep and voila, you have a cup of tea, it’s not everyone who can make the perfect cup of tea that is brewed just right. For consistent tea enjoyment, an automatic tea maker can make the difference between a bland cup of tea and one that is full-bodied and enjoyed. With cool features like six preset temperatures for green, white, oolong, herbal and black teas, pot warmer, timer and removable tea infuser for either loose or bagged tea, a great cup of tea is just minutes away, every time.
Automatic tea maker machine:

Automatic tea maker machines pictured: Left: Cuisinart TEA-100 PerfecTemp Programmable Tea Steeper and Kettle / Right: Oster BVST-TM23 2-1/2-Quart Iced-Tea Maker, Black

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Automatic Cleaning Litter Boxes

I am going to buy one of those automatic cleaning litter boxes for my cat Noodle. A friend suggested that I get one. The litter box has a built-in mechanism, that’s likened to a sweeper arm and it sweeps the poop to where it falls to a lower level of the litter box. You just have to empty the contents of the litter box when you clean it with soap and water.
Automatic Cleaning Litter Boxes:

Automatic Cleaning Litter Boxes example. Pictured: Tidy Cats Breeze Litter Box System