Heated Lap Blanket

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Heated lap blankets are great, especially when you are feeling under the weather. When you are feeling chills, just pull one out from your linen chest, and cuddle up in it in bed, or in front of the television; it’s like a friend giving you a great big warm hug. My favorite color is mauve, but heated lap blankets come in a variety of colors. Some are USB powered – great for working at the computer.
Heated Lap Blanket:

Heated Lap Blanket pictured: Sunbeam Microplush Throw Blanket, azure

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Orange Fleece Blanket

Fleece is lightweight, and yet it retains body heat well. Plus, it’s just so soft that holding a fleece blanket is almost like holding a plush toy. An orange fleece blanket in a room with earth-tones is a great, bright accent that fits in with the color scheme perfectly.
Orange Fleece Blanket:

Orange Fleece Blanket pictured: Northpoint 180 GSM 50-Inch by 60-Inch Fleece Throw. Color: Orange.

Orange Fleece Blanket above: Elegant Comfort – Super Silky Soft – All Season Super Plush Luxury FLEECE BLANKET Full/Queen Orange

Oversized Throw Blanket

On cold winter nights, it’s nice to have a warm blanket to keep us warm. It’s not so nice though, if our better half hogs more than his or her share of the blanket. An oversized throw blanket gives you and your partner plenty to share.
Oversized Throw Blanket:

Oversized Throw Blanket pictured: Lisbon Solid Woven All-Natural Cotton/Silk Oversized Blanket by Elite Home. Color: Khaki.

Oversized Throw Blanket above: Luxury Oversized Flannel Velvet Plush Throw Blanket – 50″ x 70″ (Grey) by Exclusivo Mezcla

Pink Electric Blanket

Electric blankets are items that we tend to think of as strictly functional, but thankfully there are nice some nice looking ones out there, available in a variety of colors. If you are a pink lover and are in the market for an electric blanket, you’ll be glad to know they are available.
Pink Electric Blanket:
Pink Electric Blanket picture
Pink Electric Blanket pictured: Sunbeam Camelot Cuddler Microplush Heated Throw, Pink

Pink Electric Blanket above: Lhh EVALH Modern Design Pink Dacron Electric Blanket 220V 50HZ 140W