Microwave Hard Boiled Egg Cooker

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The main advantage of a microwave egg cooker is consistency. Although we think of microwave cooking as being quicker, it may not be so in this case, since you have to fill up the cooker, put in the eggs, cook, and wait a bit for the cooker to cool down before handling it.
Microwave Hard Boiled Egg Cooker:

Microwave Hard Boiled Egg Cooker pictured: Micro Egg Microwave Egg Cooking Cup by Egpro.

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Microwavable Egg Cooker

If you decide to get a microwavable egg cooker, you will probably have to experiment a few times to get the cooking time right. Different models of microwaves cook at different powers, and their size is a factor as well. Once you have found the proper settings, your eggs should come out as you like them consistently.
Microwavable Egg Cookers:

Microwavable Egg Cookers pictured: Nordic Ware Microwave 2 Cavity Egg Poacher and Nordic Ware Microwave Omelet Pan.

Microwavable Egg Cooker

Making the perfect soft, medium or hard boiled egg is no simple task as you may have already experienced. It takes more than just placing eggs in boiling water at a set time to get them to your taste consistently. A great solution to help with this seemingly simple task is a microwavable egg cooker. If you follow directions, then you will always have eggs consistently cooked to your liking every time.
Microwavable Egg Cooker:

Microwavable Egg Cooker pictured: Micro Egg Microwave Egg Cooking Cup by Egpro

Toaster Egg Cooker Combo

I must admit that when I first heard about these toaster egg cooker combo units, I figured they were a gadget. A neat idea, and cool looking, but I figured that after the novelty wears off, people would only use the toaster portion of these appliances. But to my surprise, a lot of the reviewers on Amazon seem to love them.
Toaster Egg Cooker Combo:

Toaster Egg Cooker Combo pictured: West Bend TEM4500W Egg and Muffin Toaster

Electric Boiled Egg Cooker

Filling a pot with water and putting in some eggs is easy enough, so why would you want an electric boiled egg cooker? The answer is consistency. These units are designed to cook eggs at the perfect temperature for consistent results every time. And if the reviews of some models are to be believed, they work very well.
Electric Boiled Egg Cooker:

Electric Boiled Egg Cooker pictured above: Aroma AEB-917 Egg Boiler, Stainless.