Disposable wood cutlery

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An alternative to plastic forks, knives and spoons, disposable wood cutlery may be better for the environment since they are biodegradable, and because you may be more likely to reuse them. On the other hand, although I have never eaten with these, I might be worried about splinters, depending on how smoothly finished the wood is. They are also more expensive than plastic utensils.
Disposable wood cutlery:
Disposable wood cutlery
Disposable wood cutlery pictured: Perfect Stix Green Picnic 36-Piece Compostable Cutlery Knife, Fork and Spoon Kit

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Disposable Litter Boxes

Disposable litter boxes are really fantastic. When I was 20 something and living in my very first apartment, and not having a lot of money at the time to afford a regular cat litter box, I bought a disposable one at the neighborhood store. My cat buckaroo bonzai used it for 6 months. It was the plastic kind, and utilized as a regular litter box, which I realize kind of goes against the idea of the product, but it was a cheap alternative to a regular box.
Disposable Litter Boxes:

Disposable Litter Boxes example. Pictured: Oil Dri #C01660 5PK Disp Litter Pan