If you are inviting a large group of people to an outdoor celebration, you should consider getting a large outdoor shelter or tent. You never know when it may rain, or if the sun will be beating down so hard that guests will be seeking out shade. Of course, there is always the option of people sheltering themselves in your home, but that may not be practical or even possible. Don’t forget that these types of tents can be rented for a fraction of the cost of buying, sometimes with installation included.
Outdoor tents for garden parties & weddings:
Outdoor tent for garden parties & weddings pictured: 32’x16′ Heavy Duty Wedding Party Tent Canopy Carport White by Deltacanopy
Designer garden planters
Whether for inside or outside your home, plants add a natural elegance to their surroundings and as such, should be shown off as much as possible. A set of quality designer garden planters should do just fine as they not only help to keep your plants alive, they also add an additional beauty to the plant itself. Just make sure to find out whether or not the planters you wish to buy are to be used exclusively indoors or out. You don’t want your planters ruined by the elements if you can help it.
Designer garden planters:
Designer garden planters pictured:
Left: Strathwood Zinc-Finished Planters, Set of 2, square
Middle: Alora Cube Planter – Extra Large – Black – 23″ x 23″ x 23″ by NMN Products
Right: Novelty 08110 Napa Tall Planter, Gray, 10.5-Inch
Solar garden stake lights
One of the simplest ways to illuminate your walkway, driveway or garden path is to use solar garden stake lights that are easily planted in the ground where you need them. Keep in mind that the quality of the lamp is very important and that you should look to buy stake lights that are made of metal rather than plastic since they are less likely to break or bend when you’re puting them into the ground.
Solar garden stake lights:
Solar garden stake lights pictured:
Left: Moonrays 91743 Hudson Solar-Powered Metal 2X LED Path Light, Pearl Bronze, 6-Pack
Right: Moonrays 99924 Color Changing Solar Glass Ball Fixture, 1-Pack and 3-Pack
Wooden garden storage box
Whether on your deck or deep in your garden area, a wooden garden storage box can be a convenient and useful item to have close at hand when doing outdoor work. Simply stock the storage box with the various tools and garden growth products you need to have close at hand, which saves you both time and energy having to to back and forth all the time to where these items are currently being stored.
Wooden garden storage box:
Wooden garden storage box pictured: Storage Box (Cedar) (19″H x 35″W x 20 1/2″D) by Cedar Creek
Garden work table
Working in your garden can be a great past-time providing both exercise and possibly some much needed “me-time”. As such, you don’t want to be going back and forth into the house or garden shed to grab tools and/or pots all the time. A garden work table can house most of the tools needed, along with storage space for gloves, a sun hat and other items you use on a regular basis. Convenient and handy!
Garden work table:
Garden work table pictured: Farm Folklore Wood Potting Bench by Esschert Design