Faux Grass Mats

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Faux grass mats have a variety of uses, for when the look of grass is desirable, but real grass is not appropriate. They can be used as door mats, for the decoration of the bottom of an aquarium for dogs and puppy training, or for putting practice.
Faux Grass Mats:

Faux Grass Mats example. Pictured: Clean Machine Six Panel 18-Inch by 30-Inch Doormat, Spruce

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Grass Mats for Rabbits

If you keep your pet rabbit in a cage most of the time, you may want to think about purchasing a grass mat for the inside of the cage. This will allow your rabbit to move about comfortably, or to pass the day away sleeping, without having painful paws from the steel mesh on the bottom of the cage. An added advantage is that a grass mat is woven from natural grass which your rabbit can chew on without digesting anything toxic, and is good for their teeth.
Grass Mats for Rabbits:

Grass Mats for Rabbits example. Pictured: Super Pet Rabbit Grassy Mat

Plastic Grass Door Mat

It may sound silly, but I like having a welcome mat at the front of my apartment door that resembles grass. Since I live on the 12th floor and there is no green space to speak of around my building, a plastic grass door mat helps to remind me of my parents’ home in the burbs. Of course, plastic grass is a poor substitute for the real thing, but it’s better than nothing. Plus, in the Winter time it’s a great mat for wiping off mucky boots, while being pretty easy to keep clean.
Plastic Grass Door Mat:

Plastic Grass Door Mat pictured: Clean Machine Six Panel 18-Inch by 30-Inch Doormat, Spruce

Pet Grass Mat

Pet grass mats for your pet bunny, kitty cat, ferret, puppies, etc. My cat Fluffy loves hers. She even uses it as a scratching pad-mat and she sleeps on it outside on the balcony in the summer time. They come in straw, grass, synthetic materials and they’re quite inexpensive.
Pet Grass Mat:

Pet Grass Mat pictured: PetZoom Pet Park Indoor Pet Potty