While you might consider the color lavender to be more of a feminine color, it is a color that suits men very well. That being said, if you’re thinking of buying a lavender colored shirt or pants, you might want to also think about what colors go best with that color. Whites or dark contrasting colors work well as does a black shoe color.
Lavender pants:
Lavender pants pictured:
1- BCO Plus Size Stretch Straight Leg Jeans
2- NYDJ Women’s Petite Sheri Skinny Twill Pastel Pant
3- Ulla Popken Plus Size Crinkled Pants
4- Jessica London Women’s Plus Size Petite Bi-Stretch Pants
Lavender Mother of the Bride Dresses
Of all the things one needs to think about before that big wedding day, the mother of the brides’ dress is as important as anything. Not only do you have to consider the color of the dress, you also have to think about the style. Should it reflect a modern tone, or do you want the dress to harken back to a more simple time? If you don’t want to continuously cringe when looking back over old wedding photos, these are the things you need to be aware of.
Lavender mother of the bride dresses:
Lavender mother of the bride dresses example. Pictured: Evanese Women’s Plus Size Elegant Long Dress. Color: Lavender.
Lavender throw blanket
There’s no denying that a throw blanket is a nice way to finish up a busy day. No mater where your pressures come from: kids, job, house-keeping, school, and nice throw blanket can lull you into a comfortable end of day quietness that many of us desperately seek. And with a wide of variety of styles and colors to choose from, it’s nice to know that you can find a throw blanket in your favorite color, length, shape and thickness.
Lavender throw blanket:
Lavender throw blanket pictured: Northpoint Embossed Brocade Micro-Mink to Micro-Sherpa Throw.
Lavender ties for men
Some men can pull off wearing a lavender tie, and some men can’t. If you are one of the ones who can, then you are probably the kind of man that exudes confidence. You can look good in anything you wear because you are sure of yourself and it shows.
Lavender ties for men:
Lavender ties for men example. Pictured: 100% Silk Woven Lilac and Lavender Neat Tie, sold by TheTieBar.