Home paper embossing machine

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Whether you are a scrapbooker, graphic designer or want to start your own home-based business creating beautifully designed stationary, a home paper embossing machine can be a great tool for all of the above. Depending on the size and quality of the embossing machine, you could emboss invitations, greeting cards, photographs, create decorative stationary and envelopes, and whatever else you can think of. Some embossing machines even come with a shape cutting feature for furthering your creative potential.
Home paper embossing machine:

Home paper embossing machine pictured: Sizzix 655268 Big Shot Cutting-and-Embossing Roller-Style Machine

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Automatic tea maker machine

While it seems like anybody can boil water, throw in a tea bag or two into a tea pot, let the it steep and voila, you have a cup of tea, it’s not everyone who can make the perfect cup of tea that is brewed just right. For consistent tea enjoyment, an automatic tea maker can make the difference between a bland cup of tea and one that is full-bodied and enjoyed. With cool features like six preset temperatures for green, white, oolong, herbal and black teas, pot warmer, timer and removable tea infuser for either loose or bagged tea, a great cup of tea is just minutes away, every time.
Automatic tea maker machine:

Automatic tea maker machines pictured: Left: Cuisinart TEA-100 PerfecTemp Programmable Tea Steeper and Kettle / Right: Oster BVST-TM23 2-1/2-Quart Iced-Tea Maker, Black

Home electric ice crusher machine

When thinking about buying a home electric ice crusher machine for the kitchen, consider the purpose of such a purchase. Are you buying one so that you can enjoy crushed ice in your cold beverages? Or would you love to offer your friends a delicious raw fish buffet displayed on crushed ice? If so, then whatever crushed ice machine you buy should be fine. However, if you are buying a crushed ice machine for the kids to make frozen drinks like slushies and snow cones, you will need to make sure that you get a machine that shaves ice rather than crushes it. You may not think there’s a difference, but your kids will.
Home electric ice crusher machine:

Home electric ice crusher machine examples. Pictured: Left: Deni 6000 Ice Crusher / Right: Deni 6100 Automatic 70-Watt Stainless-Steel Ice Crusher

Home carpet cleaning machine

If you live in a house that has lots of carpets to keep clean, a home carpet cleaning machine can be a relatively inexpensive way to keep your carpets clean without having to spend a lot on hiring professional cleaners to do the same job. Do remember that you will have to buy carpet shampoo, which is not cheap. Some brands can cost more than twenty dollars per bottle.
Home carpet cleaning machine:

Home carpet cleaning machine pictured: BISSELL Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine Professional Grade Carpet Cleaner, 86T3

Full body vibration fitness machine

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Full body vibration fitness machines have come a long way since the early days of placing a vibrating belt on your lower back or rump in an effort to shed unwanted pounds. These days they are engineered in such a way as to target various muscle groups. Some models use vibrating straps to provide extra resistance, allowing for the stretching and toning of muscle fibers. And while some machines are priced in the thousands, you can find some online for less than three hundred dollars.
Full body vibration fitness machine:

Full body vibration fitness machine examples. Pictured left: 2010 Crazy Fit Massager Full Body Vibration Exercise Machine / Right: Vibrating Body Fitness Machine by William Powers