Whether you own your own motorcycle or you spend a lot of time on the back of someone else’s, you’ll need a decent pair of leather motorcycle pants. You would probably want to buy these at a dedicated biker store rather than a fashion boutique, but wherever you get them, make sure they are of a good quality premium leather. There are some biker stores that cater to the female form and have leather pants and full size chaps that will fit you nicely.
Womens leather motorcycle pants:
Womens leather motorcycle pants pictured: Left: Pink Chaps, Ships from and sold by BikerzPlus / Middle: Alpinestars Womens Stella Tyla Leather Motorcycle Pants Creme 46 313559-29-46 / Right: Alpinestars Stella Tyla Women’s Leather Sports Bike Motorcycle Pants – Black / Size 46
Mens brown leather motorcycle jackets
When looking to purchase a leather motorcycle jacket, you should consider what kind of rider you are. Basically, there are four types of bike-riders, the sports-driven racer, the everyday cruiser who uses the bike as an alternative to a car, the touring biker who travels the open road and the weekend warrior, who uses a motorcycle as a weekend escape from the more mundane aspects of their everyday lives. Figure out which biker you are then buy your jacket accordingly.
Mens brown leather motorcycle jackets:
Mens brown leather motorcycle jacket pictured: Xelement Mens Armored Dark Brown Leather Motorcycle Jacket with Beige Stripes
Whenever you buy anything made of leather, you should make sure you are getting the real thing. Manufacturers use all sorts of deceptive names to try and trick customers into thinking they are getting real leather.
White leather motorcycle jacket
If you’re a serious biker who logs a lot of hours on the open road, a white leather motorcycle jacket might not be the best color choice to wear unless you’re Evil Knievel. The reason being is that once you hit the road, you’re bound to get sprayed by bugs, exhaust, road dirt and whatever else happens to fly by you as you ride down the road, which can no doubt leave your jacket stained and dirty on the first trip. Better to stick with the traditional black leather.
White leather motorcycle jacket:
White leather motorcycle jackets pictured: Left: Dainese Racing Leather Jacket (WHITE) / Right: Speed & Strength Womens To The Nines Textile Motorcycle Jacket Silver Medium