Paisley throw blanket

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Of all the patterns that have become classics over the years, paisley is one of the most enduring ones. It is often associated with the psychedelic sixties, but in fact it has been around for centuries. The color schemes for paisley throws range from the quite subtle to the very colorful, so there is sure to be one that will please you.
Paisley throw blanket:
paisley throw blanket
Paisley throw blanket pictured:
Blanket Throws for Sofas Wool Paisley Pattern from India by ShalinIndia.

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Paisley window valances

When making a bedroom over in a particular theme, a window valance in that same theme can add a wonderful touch and look to complete the entire room. However, make sure that you know what size you need before buying one at your local bedding store or online. To do that, you’ll have to measure the length of the window and the length of the rod that the valance will be hanging from.
Paisley window valances:
paisley window valances image
Paisley window valances example. Pictured: Paisley Fraiche ~ Lime Green Cream Elegant Sheer Window Valances by Saffron Marigold