Wood storage cabinet

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Storage cabinets are one of the most versatile pieces of furniture you can own. Weather they claim to be designed for linen, DVD’s or office supplies, this does not prevent you for using them for whatever storage purpose you see fit. And if you choose an atractive model made of wood, then the cabinet can look great in a den, living room, bedroom or kitchen.
Wood storage cabinet:

Wood storage cabinet pictured: Prepac Cherry Small Locking Media (DVD,CD,Games) Storage Cabinet, Color: Cherry & Black.

Also of interest: South Shore Furniture Morgan Collection Floor Cabinet and Stationery, Royal Cherry / Sauder Homeplus Storage Cabinet Swing Out Doors Sienna Oak / Catskill Craftsmen Pie Safe with Double Doors

All About Wood Storage Cabinet Solutions


All About Wood Storage Cabinet Solutions By Thomas Johnsen

We all need storage cabinets to help us deal with the enormous amount of stuff we have available. Whether it’s a family memento or an important file, there are plenty of things we need to keep safe for later. However, many of the most popular storage options (plastic tubs, for instance) are awkward and unattractive. That’s where wood storage cabinets are a great choice. They look good and offer functionality to help us avoid clutter and keep items safe.

Wood cabinets work in just about any room of the house, and are effective in the office, too. There are even options for use in basements, sheds and garages. High quality cabinetry will hold up to just about any conditions, as long as you take good care of it. Whether you want a cabinet fixed to the wall or a free standing one, there are enough options on the market to provide what you’re looking for. Just make sure you pay attention to a few things before you buy.

First, check your budget and cabinet prices. They might cost more than you’d think. You’ll make it up in time, since wood storage cabinets can last for such a long time. However, you don’t want to make elaborate plans and be surprised by prices you didn’t think you’d have to pay. Many cabinets are modular, allowing you to choose one at a time for your storage needs. Over time, you can collect a full matching set for your home.

Remember to carefully measure the place where you’ll be putting your cabinets. Don’t just eyeball it or go from memory – get out a measuring tape and a pencil, and write down the precise measurements of the area. This will prevent problems later on. Too many of us have purchased furniture with no measurements on hand, only to discover that it didn’t fit right later. It only takes a minute to get good measurements, and it can save a lot of hassle later on.

Think about what you’ll be storing, too. You’ll need a different type of cabinet for heirloom dishes than you’ll require for tools, craft supplies, or food. Cabinets offer a wide variety of features, including built in drawers and shelves, opaque or glass doors, different hinge and closure types and much more. Buy the cabinet that’s right for the use you want to put it to.

The wood the cabinet is made of will be a factor, as well. Cabinets made of pine or other extremely soft woods are very cheap. Particle board or MDF cabinets are even cheaper. However, these aren’t the strongest materials around, and they tend to bow over time, especially if much weight is put in them. MDF can also be very heavy. A natural hardwood cabinet will cost a lot more than these cheaper models, but it’ll also last almost forever. Oak and maple cabinets are a real lifetime investment.

Don’t just jump into buying a wood storage cabinet without thinking carefully. Spending a little bit of time on choosing the right cabinet for you will pay off later. You’ll get one that lasts and does just what you need it to, all in exchange for just a little planning.

Thomas Johnsen is a popular Author and the Leading Expert on Wood Storage Cabinets [http://www.shedsandshelves.com/wood-storage-cabinet.html]. For more information about Mr. Johnsen and to find his Wood Storage Cabinet Guide [http://www.shedsandshelves.com/], click the links for instant access.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Johnsen



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